Thursday, July 10, 2008

9 month doc visit

Miss Molly was 21 lbs 9 oz, 29 inches long, and her noggin was 46 cm. She was right around the 95th percentile mark on all counts. We were a little surprised at her weight. We both expected her to weigh a few pounds more. She only gained one pound since her 6 month check up and prior to that she was gaining an average of 2 pounds per month. Looking at the chart this is around the time the insane growth spurts tend to taper off. She's still on the high end and since she always has been everything is perfectly normal.

Molly got one shot in her leg (polio immunization) and one needle prick in her big toe (test for iron deficiency). I think they were testing her hemoglobin levels for the iron test. Whatever the case was the normal level is around 11 and Molly's results were 31/32 so she's totally fine there. She didn't really seem bothered by either needle. She was by far more interested in all the stuff the nurse was using than any actual pain she might have felt.

Our normal doc was in the other office so we had a new doc. She was a little concerned with the patches on Molly's cheeks. She thinks this is probably more than just irritation from the extra drool her new teeth has caused and suspects it might be an allergic reaction. We got a prescription for some hydrocortisone cream and were reminded to follow the 4 day rule before trying any new foods. The doc also reminded us to use plenty of lotion and keep Molly's skin moisturized. I had her repeat this in front of N as this has been a particular "discussion" between us. N accuses me of lathering up Molly when she doesn't need to be and that all the lotion is doing is robbing her skin of its natural oils. This coming from the man that uses a facial lotion that costs 3 times as much as mine for half as many ounces. I try to remind him that the doc has always told us to use lotion on her and keep her skin moisturized and he thinks I'm smoking crack. So I made sure he heard the doc loud and clear. I was right, he was wrong. And you can bet your sweet ass I had N say that too!


Mama Bree said...

ah how strange! Logan has a very similar rash which they think is due to allergies....

glad to hear, other than that, that everything checked out ok! :)

Hayley said...

I love it! Mark is also anti moisturiser for some reason, and has to be forced to use it when his skin gets dry and cracks on his elbows - crazy fool. Glad Miss M is doing well, I hope she doesn't lose ALL her red cheeks as she gets out of teething, they are so cute!

Jennifer said...

I always love when we are right. ;)