This evening Molly and I met up with Bree, Logan, and Callum at the Rose Garden Library to see The Bubble Lady. Bree hit some traffic so Molly and I walked down and met them there.
Oh my.
The Bubble Lady is POPULAR!
There was a line outside the library that wrapped around and a big guy was standing at the door handing out what I thought were tickets. Who knew The Bubble Lady warranted a bouncer and crowd control? Turns out the tickets were actually stickers for each of the kids and everyone was allowed in. Phew!
Molly and Logan got a little bored, but were pretty into the whole show for the most part. We went last night to see a magic show that didn't quite pan out. Molly got bored first and kept wanting to twirl around and do her Cinderella impression so N took off with her. Logan lasted a little longer, but we still ended up leaving early. However, The Bubble Lady was definitely more interesting as both kids kept popping up so they could see better.
Thanks again Bree for the suggestion!