Monday, August 31, 2009
goodbye heat wave!
On Friday Molly and I were lucky enough to take two dips in the Jodoin's pool. First we joined Robert and his B-Ma after story time for a quick dip. We took off before nap time (a glorious three and a half hours). Then we returned with N that evening for another dip along with the Connally/Shipmans. It was heavenly on such a hot day. We all had issues getting the little ones down (I blame the heat). Unfortunately Bree and Jon had to take off after it was clear Logan was not going to bed. Luckily Robert and Molly were finally able to pass out and the rest of us played a game of Settlers. Jenn won! We called it a night once the game was over and headed home.
Saturday was another scorcher and Molly had a birthday party to attend for her friend Maya that was turning 2. It was at a Color Me Mine pottery studio and Molly seemed interested at first, but was quickly over the messy ordeal. I got N to paint her hand real quick and make a hand print before she was completely done. Hopefully it turns out! Even though it was 101 out we decided to brave the heat and head over to Memorial Park in Cupertino for my 15 year High School reunion. I somehow managed to convince Jarrod to come with and we pulled up at the same time. Molly and Robert chased each other around while Jarrod and I tried to figure out if we could recognize anyone. We were able to touch base with a few folks we haven't talked to in years. Then when I got home I was able to put a few more names with faces thanks to Facebook!
On Sunday Uncle Kyle arrived for a quick visit and we headed to Lucille's for a lovely homemade meal. Kyle headed to Yosemite SUPER early this morning for some camping and we're going to meet back up with him this weekend in Tahoe. It had cooled down into the mid 60's by the time we got home and we were finally able to open up all the windows. We introduced Kyle to Settlers and this time I won!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Evening walk
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Meet my grand nephew Jonah...

Whoa! Fan!

Click here for more pics.
Like Mother,

like Daughter:

Play date with Logan
I have no idea what Logan was doing... and Michael wasn't going to stick around and find out:

Sharing during snack time:


All right... now what?

For more pictures click here.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Numbers are fun.
Very cute... the antics of a learning child. :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Cirque Magnifique
Molly was totally chill in her car seat from the ride over so I decided to drive around a bit. We went past a few of Aunt Tracey's old dwellings, drove by N's great aunt's house, and then drove up Cliff Drive (past Auntie Nicole's first surf lesson location... I can still hear her cussing up a storm about how cold the water was). We circled back and parked and then did a lap around the boardwalk. The performance started at noon, but by then all the fresh ocean air was getting to Molly. She loved the music they played, but wasn't exactly mesmerized by the performers on stage. After a particularly big yawn and head down on my shoulder I decided it was time to take off.
Why am I standing?

Thrilled I tell ya... absolutely thrilled!

Hey, *I* thought it was pretty cool...

Click here for more pictures from the day.
first bike
O-fish-al Polliwog

Molly finished her first swimming class with AVAC today and was presented with a ribbon at the end of class. She was so proud of her ribbon that she carried it all the way back to the changing room. It was super cute.
Monday, August 17, 2009
new shoes!

Molly has been avoiding her shoes for the last week or so. Usually when we're getting ready to leave I'll ask her to put on her shoes and she will no problem. In the last week she would either hide her shoes or tell me no when I asked her to put them on. When I put them on she would immediately try to take them off and chuck them. Clear sign they were starting to pinch. I had hoped they would last through the summer, but no such luck.
We went back to Howard's and ended up getting the pair I had my eye on. Molly was not in the mood to put on any shoes, so it was a bit of a struggle. However, the owner was there and said to bring back them back if she didn't like them. Molly has pretty wide feet so once again we went with some Stride Rites (Joy). We had tried on a couple different pairs and this was the only one she would walk in so that's what we got. I also picked up a pair of green Crocs since we still have plenty of summer left. Plus Crocs cover two sizes so they will (hopefully) last a while.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Fever is gone
Last night I went to Muay Thai and came home to Molly and N sitting on the couch watching tv. Oh, and Molly was wearing her bib. Because it's cool. Anyway, N informed me that she had gone down a little after 7:00, but did not fall asleep. She babbled for a bit. Then she reached through her crib and turned on the activity mat we have left set up in the corner of her room. Then she started to smack the toy against the wall to inform daddy she was not tired. N went in and she looked at him and pointed to her booty and said, "Diaper." He got her out and went to change the diaper, but it was clean. She then pointed to herself and said, "Good Girl" and then pointed towards the living room and said, "TV?". She then repeated, "Good girl, tv" a few more times before N carried her out to the living room. I laughed out loud when I heard this. I thought that was pretty damn funny. N put her back down since it was after 8:00 and she did make noise for a bit, but crashed out soon after.
Oh, another cute story from yesterday... I was sitting next to Molly reading the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly while she played with a magnetic alphabet book. She then looked over at me and said (what I thought was), "I love you." Well, more along the lines of "eye wuuv ewe". I told her that I loved her too, but then she just shook her head no at me and said it again. I told her again that I loved her and she sighed. Then she pointed to my magazine and said, "dubba ewe" and pointed at the large red W that started the article I was reading. Looks like Sesame Street is paying off. W has been the letter of the day around here. She's left her love for the number 8 behind at long last.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Poor bug.
Molly woke up this morning with a temp of 102.4. I called her doc and got an appt. for 1:45 pm. Molly fell asleep on me and then I transfered her to bed. She woke up at noon. Screaming. Temp was 103.4 so I drew a warm bath to cool her down. She was NOT happy. Took her temp again and it was 103.6 so I called her doc (who was at lunch) and was told to head to the ER. By the time we saw the nurse her temp was down to 102.8 and she was given some Tylenol. (FYI weight is currently 29 lbs 15 oz) We saw the ER doc at 1:51 (he noted the time when I was recapping for him and mentioned her doc appt) and now we're waiting on the flu swab test results.
Molly is snoring up a storm.
ETA - Flu swab came back negative. We were sent home with a prescription for Amoxicillin (ears and throat were red). Temp was also down to 100 before we left.
Also, I realized we were waiting in the same room N got stitched up after his arm incident.
It's sad when you start to re-visit ER rooms.
Welcome Tiffany Elizabeth!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Portland pictures

Molly being adorable:

Asher was in LOVE with Molly:

Molly having a blast at a local park:

Cowabunga dude!!!

More pictures can be found here.
Monday, August 10, 2009
play date with Robert
Here are some pictures from the day, waiting for the garbage truck:

Robert is obsessed with kitties. Luckily Michael is pretty tolerant:

Molly needs to work on sharing the couch with others:

I believe this is when the bulldozer showed up, note the look of awe:

Click here for more from the day.
Emma Prusch Farm Park

Click here for more.
full weekend
Saturday was Robert's 2nd Birthday Party. N headed over early so he could drop off our canopy and two banquet tables and pick up Hunter and Scout for the day. We were the first (non-family) to arrive as we got there right on time. :-) The party was great. TONS of toys set up in the backyard with canopies providing plenty of shade. Molly has really come into her own these last few swim lessons so she was itching to get in the pool. N had Molly the entire time and I switched off between Robert, Addison, and Jessie (as their parents were too chicken to get in!). Then it was cake time (so yummy) and I could tell Molly was starting to crash. We get dressed and packed up and then realize we're 5 cars in as we parked in the driveway. Since Molly was going down (and fast) we decided to not bother attempting to get everyone to move and asked Jenn and Jarrod if we could borrow their tent and set it up in the office. N started to put Molly down, but then everyone moved inside for presents so I went in and we moved Molly into Jarrod and Jenn's room. It took me laying down with her and singing, but she finally fell asleep a little after 2:00.
Bree and Jon were parked behind us so they were in the same boat. Robert went down for nap time next followed by Logan. We attempted to play a game of Settlers, but about halfway through Molly woke up. Then Logan. Then Robert. Oh well, next time. We finally took off around 7:00 so we could get Molly home and give her dinner and a much needed bath. Apparently Molly didn't each much that day (well, besides constantly trying to sneak in peanut M&M's) because she INHALED dinner. She started yawning during bath time and went down without a fuss. Little bug was tired as she slept in past 8:00 the next morning. Mom and dad were also tired as we turned off the light around 9:45 pm. On a Saturday. We are so parents!
Sunday morning Jarrod dropped off our tables and I headed out to run some errands. I was making dinner to bring over to the new parents. Lucile brought the salad and rolls and I made N's favorite chicken goo (it's not as disgusting as it sounds) along with a yummy fruit salad. We spent about two hours ooohing and aaahing over Temperence and visiting with the new parents.
N posted pictures from Robert's 2nd Birthday so take a look.
ETA - Bree also took some great pics and got some of everyone in the pool. So take a look.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Happy Birthday Robert David!
Friday, August 7, 2009
somersault master
This past weekend in Portland she did them the right way... all by herself! SEVERAL times. I think it helped that Amy & Dustin have carpet in their newly finished basement. The first time I think she was more surprised than I was, but then she got the hang of it. I witnessed several more before we left. So far she hasn't attempted it at home, but I'm not surprised with all the hardwood floors we have. Will try to get it on video the next time.
first bee sting
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Temperence Sneed is here!
Congratulations again Sneed family!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Baby Sneed is on her way!
I so freakin' told her so!
So two very excited bundle of nerves just left. My money is on a late night/early morning delivery. I'm hoping for sooner rather than later. I'll let you know once we get the official news.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
N's camera
Last week Molly decided that breakfast made a better hat:

Alesha stopped by with baby Jonah (seen here):

Molly also likes to wander around as a ghost:

The rest can be found in the July, August, September - 2009 gallery. Hopefully he'll have the Portland pics up soon.
Molly's chair

It was only a matter of time:

The rest of the pics can be found in the K - July, Aug, Sept 2009 gallery.
Once we got in and grabbed some drinks at a local coffee shop it was time to put Molly down for her nap. She was sleeping in Asher's room and luckily it had a window a/c unit. She went down without any major issues and Amy and I headed out to the store to grab lunch. After the kids woke up from their naps we headed up to some shops in the neighborhood as Amy needed to pick up a baby shower gift. We ended up at this awesome little kid's store called Grasshopper and Molly scored a cool little robot toy and a lady bug ball. They had a ton of other toys I thought were great, but we only had so much room in our suitcases so I resisted.
We then headed out to dinner at a great local microbrew/restaurant called The Hub. Portland is very kid friendly and they had an area in the corner with chalkboards, table with a train set, books, and other toys. Molly hung out while we waited for our table. A little girl hopped up into the chair next to me and handed me a book and simply said, "Please." So I read to her until her family left. The mother came over and told me I didn't have to, but since Molly doesn't let me read to her I said it wasn't a problem. I am looking forward to story time so I was more than happy to oblige. Right now Molly will let me read 1-2 pages and then she quickly shuts the book on me. However, she is totally content to flip through pages on her own.
On Saturday we hit another kid friendly place for breakfast. We were in the last booth before the kid area so we could eat and keep an eye on Molly at the same time. This one had a little toy kitchen set up, some see-saw type toys, books, and one of those magnetic drawing pads that erase when you move a tab across the bottom. Molly loved that one the most and asked to be put in a high chair so she could sit and draw with the occasional request that you erase the page for her. It was a super yummy meal and Molly was having a blast with all the toys. I really wish more places around here catered to kids.
That night we headed to the baby shower/bbq that Amy's friend was having. It was super kid friendly and the couple hosting it had a boy that was just two weeks older than Molly. It was still really warm out, but there was a bucket of water with some toys that Molly cooled herself off in. She also had a blast going up and down the slide... over... and over... and over. We took off around 8:30 since we knew we needed to give her a bath before bed time and didn't want to push it *too* late.
Sunday we hit a local park that was nice and cool from all the redwoods and the play structure was completely in the shade. Molly ran around and then crawled into the stroller when she was done. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 2:55, but Molly was yawning as we went through security just before 2:00. Unfortunately the waiting area by our gate was pretty busy and loud and Molly had no interest in any attempts at taking a nap. We let her run around and do the buckles on her car seat a million times until we could board. Unfortunately our plane was late in arriving so we were late in departing. Molly was pretty good on the plane considering nap time had come and gone. She finally crashed out for the last 10 minutes of the flight as we were coming in for the landing and that was it. N put her in the bathtub as soon as we got home and she went down for bed at her normal time. Luckily she slept a full 12 hours and had her normal nap today.
Construction Zone
this. (They are replacing a sewer line on our street.)