On Friday night we went out to
The Wine Cellar for dinner and then saw the movie Elysium.
The traditional gift for the 11th wedding anniversary was steel. I got N some
stainless steel chopsticks:
And a
stainless steel insulated carafe for his coffee:
I told N I would just love a card by Sunday (our actual anniversary). When he ran out to the store he also picked me up a little something... wrapped here in aluminum foil:
Look, it's steel and a steal:
Past anniversary gifts:
1st - Traditional Paper, Gift certificate to Watercourse Way
2nd - Traditional Cotton (robe) and Modern China (coffee mug)
3rd - Traditional Leather (Magazine rack) and Modern Glass (wine glasses)
4th - Traditional Fruit and Modern Appliances (camping ice cream maker to go with fruit)
5th - Traditional Wood (new bedroom set was agreed to, took me
five and a half years to actually get)
6th - Traditional Iron (cast iron kitchen utensil holder) and Modern Sugar (filled holder with N's favorite candy)
7th - Traditional Copper and Modern Desk Sets ??? (yeah, we went out to dinner)
8th - Traditional Bronze (new leather wallet with bronze accent button, yes a stretch)
9th - Traditional Pottery and Modern Leather (another WTF year so we just went out for a nice dinner)
10th - Does it matter? We went to Kauai!