You Tube Holiday Party - 80's Prom - 12/05/2008
Last night was You Tube's Holiday Party. The theme was 80's prom. Well, since I never went to prom, and this probably wouldn't have been any different had my prom actually been in the 80's, I decided to take liberty with the theme and concentrate more on the 80's part than the prom part. N still has his wig from when he dressed up like a woman, so I based his costume around that and 80's rock god was born. I then quickly decided to dress up as a punk rawk chick as I still had my combat boots. One trip to the mall later and we were all set. It's a little scary how much 80's stuff is readily available these days. Are we really that old that the tacky stuff we wore when we were kids is already back in style? Or is the cycle getting shorter? When I saw one young girl at the mall carrying a hot pink cassette boom box purse I found myself wondering if she even knew what a cassette tape was... I then realized I must have felt just like my dad did when I was a teenager and he saw that I had just bought the same albums that he had on vinyl 20 years earlier.
Anyway, the party was fun even though both N and I weren't feeling 100%. Although N did comment that he could tell he was now working for a much bigger company since he hardly recognized anyone. I'm sure the outfits didn't help, but this was definitely MUCH bigger than the first You Tube Holiday party I went to when they still had the offices above that pizza place.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
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