1. Grandpa Hickson - I spent yesterday driving to Sacramento to get his house keys, then to his house... cleaned out fridge, watered plants, packed him a bag, took out the trash, retrieved his mail, etc. He's able to sit up now.... the hospital lifts him out of bed with a special crane built to lift people in/out of chairs. He sat with his torso-brace on for 8 hours Saturday, it made him very very tired. I had dinner with a friend before dropping off his stuff... rolled out of the hospital parking lot around 11pm... got home about 1am. Long day. Long week. Heck, its been a long month. I took pics of him in bed, and the scene of the crime. Gallery updated.
2. Molly wore pigtails last week. It was super cute. Gallery updated.
3. I took Molly to the park today for over an hour.... she played in the sand. This is completely shocking. She usually hates sand.. when it gets on her hands she acts like its burning her and we must remove it immediately. Today she jumped in the sandbox, rolled around.... dug/flung sand with her hands.... and even poked it with sticks. I only had my iPhone, to take pics, but I uploaded some of those too.
Back to relaxing.

love the pigtails!!! super cute!! :)
You have to do pigtails more often, they are so adorable!!
The pigtails are adorable!!!
The pigtails are way way too cute!
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