We had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner at our house. N's dad Grant drove down that morning from Pioneer, CA and arrived around 11:00 am. I was still taking care of a few items in the kitchen so they hung out with Miss Molly. Then at 1:00 pm Molly went down for her nap. She babbled until about 1:20/1:30 and then all was quiet.
My parents, N's mom Lucille, Jim, and N's cousin Ali all arrived around 2:00 pm. We had some adult only conversation time and then sat down for dinner promptly at 3:00 pm. Molly was kind enough to sleep through the entire meal and clean up and woke up around 4:30 pm. Worked out perfectly.
The rest of the day was spent watching Miss Molly tear around and entertain everyone. Oh, and I think a football game was on. Carina, Chris, and Temperence stopped by just in time for dessert. I had just finished getting all the meat off the bird and was going to ask Lucille how to make soup when I stepped out of the kitchen to greet the new arrivals and heard a loud crash. Sadie took that moment to pull the turkey off the counter. Soup was out. PLUS little miss piggy had to get up on her back legs to grab the bird and that meant up on her BAD leg. She spent the rest of the day in her kennel thinking hard about what she had done.... well, sleeping.
Everyone took off just as we were putting Molly down for the night. The kitchen was clean. The dishwasher was running. Leftovers had been sufficiently pawned off.
All in all it was a great day.
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